JMF enables Armenians in need to move from poverty and despair to self-sufficiency and hope – through relief, development and spiritual uplift.
JMF contributes to economic and social development of Armenia via educating and empowering of children, youth and entrepreneurs through long term intervention and institutionalization of innovative development models.
JMF aims to adapt to meet current needs of Armenian communities by providing relief and development by the following strategic goals:
- Ensure quality education and participatory management at schools throughout Armenia
- Create employment for young people and farmers primarily in the regions, also in Yerevan
- Develop and institutionalize mechanisms for protection of the rights of doctors and patients to enhance health service providers’ ethics and contribute to mutual trust and respect among health service providers (doctors, nurses) and patients in Armenia.
- Reinstate public solidarity among young people from Armenia, Artsakh and Diaspora (AAD).
JMF focuses its activities in the following main areas:
- Civil Society
- Community Development
- Economic Development
- Education
- Health
- Cultural and Spiritual Development
- Relief to Vulnerable Groups
Within the Priority areas indicated above, JMF employs four program mechanisms to achieve its Mission and Goals in Armenia:
- Self-Developed Projects – JMF develops and implements its own projects.
- Partnerships – JMF collaborates with local and international organizations to develop, fund and implement projects.
- Small Grants – On a competitive basis, JMF provides small grants to support projects developed and implemented by local NGOs and community groups.
- Credit Services – JMF provides affordable credits to Micro-Finance Institutions and Farmers Cooperatives.