JMF has supported relief projects and activities since its establishment and prioritizes four key areas: nutrition, health and hygiene, housing and infrastructure, and cultural and spiritual activities.
Since 2004, JMF has been delivering relief assistance through its social protection projects and emergency response projects.
- JMF’s Social Protection Projects focus on the delivery of material assistance and spiritual and cultural support to individuals and groups that are not able to help themselves, including orphans, children from indigent families, poor elderly, single mothers, and mentally and physically disabled children.
- JMF’s Emergency Response projects are generally short term and intensive in nature, designed to help communities or individuals that have been affected by a natural or man-made disaster. Assistance might include the provision of temporary food supplies, medicine, hygiene kits, or temporary shelter.
Over the years JMF gradually reduced funding for relief projects. JMF’s long-term strategy is to eventually turn the social assistance over to the government.
Starting from 2009 Relief and Spiritual type of projects are approved within the frame of the JMF's Education Program. More information related to these projects can be found at the Education Program Section of the site.