Village Health Post Nurse Capacity Development Project in Karabakh- Phase III

Beneficiaries Description: 55 village health nurses

Project Areas: Mardakert and Shahumyan regions of Karabakh

Project Goal: To improve the accessibility and delivery of quality primary health care at the village level in NKR.

Project Objectives:

  1. To develop capacities of 6 doctors/nurses of Mardakert (4 doctors/nurses) and Shahumyan (2 doctors/nurses) regions of NKR to become trainers and conduct trainings for village nurses through organizing Training of Trainers (TOT) courses at National Institute of Health in Yerevan.
  2. To improve professional skills and develop knowledge of 55 village health post nurses of Mardakert (43 nurses) and Shahumyan (12 nurses) regions of NKR through conducting trainings based on the Village Nurse Educational Curriculum.
  3. To improve technical capacities of the village health posts of Mardakert and Shahumyan regions of NKR. 
Project Type: Self-Developed
Start Date:March 1, 2011
End Date:November 1, 2011
Coordinator / Responsible Person:Zara Janibekyan
Partner Organization:Ministry of Health of NKR
Project Cost by Partner:AMD: 54,000  USD: 148
Project Cost by Other Donor:AMD: 4,755,000 USD: 13,027
Project Cost by JMF :AMD: 8,391,000 USD: 22,989
Beneficiaries Number:55