Improvement of Pregnant Women Prenatal & Antenatal Care In Armenia

Beneficiaries Description: Direct beneficiaries of the project are 120 gynecologists from 5 marzes (Lori, Shirak, Vayots Dzor, Syunik and Yerevan) of Armenia. 

Project Areas: Yerevan, Armenia

Project Goal: To decrease infant mortality rate and disability among children diagnosed with congenital malformations.

Project Objectives:

1.    To create unified guidelines for case management of risky groups of pregnant women and develop protocols for case management of pregnancies with birth defects by April 2015. 

2.    To improve the knowledge and skills of Women’s consultations 120 Obstetrics /Gynecologists in 5 targeted marzes on appropriate case management of risky group pregnancies and conditions with congenital malformations/birth defects in Armenia.   

Project Type: Self-Developed
Start Date:January 15, 2015
End Date:August 31, 2015
Coordinator / Responsible Person:Zara Janibekyan
Project Cost by JMF :AMD: 6,951,000 USD: 17,163
Beneficiaries Number:600