Gifts for Children from Vulnerable Regions of Armenia

Beneficiaries Description: About 747 children aged 6-15 from socially vulnerable families 

Project Area: Akhalkalak /Georgia/, Echmiatsin, Stepanavan, Yerevan and other remote regions of Armenia

Project Goal: to provide joyful holiday experience to 747 children from socially vulnerable families from Akhalkalak (Georgia), Echmiatsin, Stepanavan, Yerevan and other remote regions of Armenia. 

Project Objectives:

  • To temporarily improve emotional well being of 747 children from socially vulnerable families from Akhalqalaq (Georgia), Echmiatsin, Stepanavan, Yerevan and other remote regions of Armenia through providing children with Christmas packages by December 30, 2016. 
Project Type:Undesignated
Start Date:December 20, 2015
End Date:December 30, 2016
Coordinator / Responsible Person:Alina Hovhannisyan
Implementer: JMF
Project Cost by JMF: AMD: 1,492,600 USD: 3,110
Partner Organization:Central Bank of Armenia
Beneficiaries Number:747