IT Sector Development in Kapan and Stepanavan Towns

Beneficiaries Description: Up to 20 university students, graduates, engineers ages 19-55 from Kapan and surrounding communities in Syunik region, and about 20 schoolchildren and students from Stepanavan town

Project Areas: Kapan (Syunik region) and Stepanavan (Lori region)

Project Goal: to contribute towards establishment of economic balance between rural and central regions by development of IT education environment in Kapan and Stepanavan towns and creation of prerequisites for potential employment in IT sector. 

Project Objectives:

  • Increase interest in learning and creating among people of different ages who are capable and willing to advance in technical sciences
  • Improve IT sector employment opportunities in Kapan and Stepanvan towns
Project Type:ITC initiative
Start Date:April 29, 2019
End Date:March 31, 2020
Coordinator / Responsible Person:Liana Sargsyan
Implementer: JMF
Project Cost by JMF: AMD: 2,870,000 USD: 5,918
Project Cost by Instigate Training Center:AMD: 13,064,000 USD: 26,936
Beneficiaries Number:40