Centre of Equal Opportunities

Beneficiaries Description: about 42 small and medium size communities around Stepanavan

Project Areas: Stepanavan, Lori

Project Goal: to reconstruct the Full Life NGO’s building to serve as an Equal Opportunities Centre, providing people and especially children with special needs with skills and knowledge for smooth integration into society, having equal opportunity and rights with other citizens in the society during their life time.

Project Type: Undesignated
Start Date:March 15, 2020
End Date: November 30, 2021
Coordinator/Responsible Person:Gevorg Aboyan
Implementer:Full Life NGO
Partner/Donor organization:
Armenian Women of  Antwerp (AWA) 
Sylvia Serabian
Project Cost by Donor Organization:AMD: 12,393,700 USD: 25,554
Project Cost by JMF:AMD: 4,606,300 USD: 9,498
Beneficiaries Number: 42 small and medium size communities around Stepanavan