Beneficiaries description: 21 FAA member FOs with 975 member farmers from Yerevan and Armavir, Ararat, Vayots Dzor, Aragatsotn and Lori marzes.
Project Goal: To improve access of FAA member Farmers Organizations and consequently farmers to low-interest and beneficial credit services. To strengthen role and sustainability of FAA and FOs.
Start Date: | 03/01/2011 |
End Date: | 31/12/2011 |
Coordinator / Responsible Person: | Armen Hakobyan, Armen Ayunts |
Implementer: | Federation of Agricultural Associations Union of Legal Entities (FAA ULE) |
Project Cost by Implementer: | AMD: 0 USD: 0 (in-kind contribution) |
Partner Organization: | Open Society Institute (OSI) |
Project Cost by Partner: | AMD: 8,540,000 USD: 23,397 |
Project Cost by JMF : | AMD: 140,000,000 USD: 383,562 |
Beneficiaries Number: | 975 |