The Importance and Consequences of Ultrasound Screening

Khachatryan Mane, Akhuryan region, 1,5 years old

Mane did not pass her ultrasound screening immediately after she was born because the hospital ultrasound specialist was absent that day. The child was discharged from the hospital. After a month the newborn child was brought to see a pediatrician. By a fortunate coincidence, the ultrasound specialist was also in the office. Learning that Mane had not passed the ultrasound screening, he suggests to her parents to complete it as soon as possible. After the screening she was diagnosed with a two-sided dysplasia of the hip. The pediatric orthopedist of Gyumri starts the treatment of the child, explaining to the parents what dysplasia of the hip is, what treatment the child must undergo, and what the consequences will be if the child receives the proper treatment in time. Realizing the seriousness of the illness causing this disability, Mane’s parents listen to the advice of the doctor and promise to be consistent during the whole period of the treatment.

The treatment begins with the Pavlik harness which the child wears until she is 6 months old. Periodically visiting the pediatric orthopedist of Gyumri and following his advice resulted in the normal flow of  treatment. After wearing the Pavlik harness the child is examined by a team from Yerevan. After the examination the team decides that Mane must also wear a separating harness until she is one year old. The doctor explained the importance of the separating harness to the parents. The next visit and radiography dates were appointed after a month. The harness was made in Yerevan.

When the child was one year old, she passed radiography one more time. The Yerevan team estimated the infant’s state as satisfactory, the harness was removed, and a double visit was arranged as soon as the child begins walking by herself.

At the end of January Mane was brought for another examination at the Arabkir Medical Center. She was walking freely and without assistance. The physical exam results pleased the team members who will monitor her case for one more year.

The happy and thankful faces of the parents are evidence of the fact that the ultrasound screening is the best form of early detection of hip dysplasia. Time and proper treatment can bring happiness to many families as well as solve health and social issues common in vulnerable families.

Many are the cases when the indifference or unreliability of medical workers brings complications to parents and family members. There are also cases when a traditional mentality plays a great role, preventing the family from consulting the appropriate physician. This project is making an important impact for children in targeted regions of Armenia. Now, each locale has a trained ultrasound specialist and upgraded equipment, helping to meet our goal to reduce developmental displacement/dysplasia of the hip (DDH) disability among children and to improve their quality of life. 

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