Distribution of Warm Shoes - 2006

Beneficiaries Description: School age children from needy families

Project Type: Self-Developed

Project Goal: to help guarantee that 550 school age children from vulnerable families from Shushi and 350 children vulnerable families from different Marzes of Armenia have warm shoes to attend school during the winter period of school academic year

Project objectives:

  • Temporarily alleviated socio-economic burden for vulnerable families of 550 school children from Shushi and 350 children from vulnerable families of different Marzes of Armenia through provision of warm shoes by January 2007.
  • Temporarily improved socio-economic conditions of local shoemakers through provision of temporary source of income.
Start Date:15/10/2006
End Date:20/03/2006
Coordinator / Responsible Person:Alina Hovhannisyan
Partner Organization:Artsakh diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church and NGOs from Armenia
Project Cost by PartnerAMD: 600,100    USD: 1,573
Project Cost by JMF :AMD: 5,772,095   USD: 15,130
Beneficiaries Number:900