Play it Fair!

Beneficiaries Description: The average number of project target beneficiaries is 1,300 6-12 year of age children from 3 schools of Yerevan.

Project Area: Yerevan

Project Goal: to promote the advancement of human rights culture in Armenia via educating children on Human Rights principles and values from their early years in school

Project Objectives:

  • To develop a deeper understanding of human rights values among nearly 1,300 children from 6 to 12 years of age and teach new skills developing their attitudes and behavior through non-formal human rights education in the form of games and interactive activities.
  • To enhance the knowledge of 63 teachers (elementary and secondary school level) from at least 3 schools (with inclusive education practices) on human rights education via short Training of Trainers (TOT) sessions and create a pull of teachers who will act as multipliers of Play it Fair (PiF!) program.
  • To increase the awareness and understanding of the human rights principals and values among the parents of the children via involving them in project activities as one of the main stakeholders of the project.
Project Type: Self-developed
Start Date: October 1, 2016
End Date:July 30, 2017
Coordinator / Responsible Person:Ruben Krrikyan
Donor Organization:USA Embassy in Yerevan
Project Cost by Donor Organization:AMD: 7,531,790 USD: 15,371
Implementer: JMF
Project Cost by JMF:AMD: 2,420,600 USD: 4,940
Beneficiaries Number:1,300