
Beneficiaries Description: 130 disabled children of the Sevan Children Rehab Center

Beneficiaries Description: at least 80 disadvantaged small-scale farmers residing in the regions of Armenia (either already owning a small greenhouse or willing to construct one (up to 1000 m2)) on advanced technologies in greenhouse management through a series of online trainings and workshops.

Beneficiaries Description: Stakeholders' (student councils, parents, school administration, etc.) situation analysis in 100 schools (involving nearly 300 students, 200 parents, 25 school principals and 25 teachers, 8 focus groups involving 100 representatives from 100 schools) 

Beneficiaries Description: a total of 171 beneficiaries, of which 137 are students, 34 are teachers and support staff

Beneficiaries Description: At least 50 women entrepreneurs primarily residing in the remote regions of Armenia

Beneficiaries Description: Around 200 students in Aygedzor and Chinary, around 130 students in Artsvaberd of Tavoush marz, 70 students in Yeraskh of Ararat marz and 20 students in Martouni of Gegharkounik marz. 

Beneficiaries Description: about 150 children and adults 

Beneficiaries Description:

- At least 80 young people ages 18-35 will participate in business idea generation and orientation sessions in 5 targeted regions
- At least 50 young people out of the above mentioned 80 will participate in business planning trainings in 5 targeted regions
- At least 15 young people out of this cohort will receive subsidized loans to start or scale-up their business.
- At least 20 young people will proceed with their businesses receiving ongoing support

Beneficiaries Description: 250 children with disabilities and development disorder living in Sevan and surrounding villages

Beneficiaries Description: Direct beneficiaries of the project are about 10,000 newborns and 20 trained ultrasound doctors and neonatologists (3 from Yerevan and 17 from regions) of Armenia. Indirect beneficiaries are the families of the newborns and disabled children.
