
Beneficiaries Description: Direct beneficiaries of the project are the population of Vardenis region of Gegharkunik marz

Beneficiaries Description: 5 Producer groups’ (PGs) members and at least 26 PG group member farmers from Shirak, Gegharkunik, Lori and Aragatsotn regions

Beneficiaries Description: Direct beneficiaries of the project are at least 345 women of Vardenis region of Gegarkunik marz

Beneficiaries Description: The project directly targets about 240 students of 3 universities of Gyumri, Gavar and Vanadzor and young adults of surrounding communities; and at least 180 graduates of those 3 universities. Total number of direct beneficiaries is 420 youth. Indirectly project targets the other students of those 3 universities, universities' administration and staff, families of the graduates/students, community members. 

Beneficiaries Description: Direct beneficiaries of the project are about 2,500 university students of 7 universities and 1000 young adults of surrounding communities, with gender balance. Indirect beneficiaries: other students of the seven universities student councils’ members, administration and staff of the universities, families of the students, community members and in general the public of Armenia.

Beneficiaries Description: 30 rural communities of Vardenis region (approximately 18,000 community inhabitants)

Beneficiaries Description: Direct beneficiaries are 2,000 - 14-17 years old students from 108 schools of Armenia

Beneficiaries Description: About 285 refugee families from Syria 

Beneficiaries Description: Direct beneficiaries of the project are 11,382 community members living in Vardenis region.

Beneficiaries Description: Direct beneficiaries of the project are at least 420 women of Vardenis region of Gegarkunik marz
