YBI’s Sustainability Toolkit
Beneficiaries Description:
Direct: at least 10 entrepreneurs during the project period will pilot the YBI Sustainability Toolkit co-created by YBI members focusing on environment, social and governance issues.
Indirect: at least 50 entrepreneurs each year will benefit from the designed Toolkit which will be incorporated in the learning modules.
Diaspora Youth Ambassador Program in Armenia - 2022
Beneficiaries Description: 20 Youth from Armenian communities of the Diaspora, 1,200 Armenian Diaspora community members
Digital Skill Enrichment of Women Entrepreneurs in Armenia
Beneficiaries Description: At least 50 women entrepreneurs primarily residing in the remote regions of Armenia
Diaspora Youth Ambassador Program in Armenia (Formerly Diaspora Young Leaders Program)
Beneficiaries Description: 25 Youth from Armenian communities of the Diaspora, and 1750 Armenian Diaspora community members
Disability Prevention among Newborn on Hip Dysplasia in Armenia 2021
Beneficiaries Description: Direct beneficiaries of the project are about 10,000 newborns and 20 trained ultrasound doctors and neonatologists (3 from Yerevan and 17 from regions) of Armenia. Indirect beneficiaries are the families of the newborns and disabled children.
Improving Digital Literacy of People Impacted by COVID 19
Disability Prevention among Newborn on Hip Dysplasia in Armenia
Beneficiaries Description: Direct beneficiaries of the project are about 20,000 newborns and 50 trained ultrasound doctors and neonatologists (10 from Yerevan and 40 from regions) of Armenia. Indirect beneficiaries are the families of the newborns and disabled children.
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs (EYE)
Beneficiaries Description: Engaging 20 new Entrepreneurs to be either hosted in Armenia or to be sent to the project partner European countries. In total recruit 51 entrepreneurs from Armenia to benefit the project through different tools
Iodine Deficiency in Armenia and Artsakh
Beneficiaries Description: Direct beneficiaries of the project are about 1200 medical doctors in Armenia and Artsakh