Beneficiaries Description: 42 member farmers of Getashen Agricultural Cooperative, member of Federation of Agricultural Associations (FAA)
Beneficiaries Description: 33 member farmers of Janfida Agricultural Cooperative, member of Federation of Agricultural Associations (FAA)
Beneficiaries Description: 35 member farmers of Getashen Agricultural Cooperative, member of Federation of Agricultural Associations (FAA)
Beneficiaries Description: Direct beneficiaries are around 2,000 school students from 100 secondary schools. Indirect beneficiaries include secondary school students, teachers, and school administrations of 100 schools
Beneficiaries Description: 950 children aged 10-15 from ten remote villages of Lori, Gegharkounik, Syunik and Armavir Marzes.
Beneficiaries Description: 2800 households living in 50 risky villages in Shirak, Ararat, Armavir and Gegharkounik Marzes (700 households in each Marz)
Beneficiaries Description: Adolescents and youth aged 14-20; 12 health care providers and 30 teachers of 6 target colleges of Armavir and Kotayk Marzes
Beneficiaries Description: 30 regional doctors and population of beneficiary marzes in Armenia
Beneficiaries Description: 20 regional medical doctors, 600 diabetic children and their families
Beneficiaries description: Direct beneficiaries are 1,200 – 1,600 high school students. Indirect beneficiaries include secondary school students, teachers, and school administrations of 80 schools.