
Beneficiaries Description: 1620 children, youth and young adults and 160 camp counselors


Beneficiaries Description: 840 children aged 8-15 from needy families and orphanages from different regions of Armenia. 

Beneficiaries Description: 112 children aged 8-16, from needy families and 10 pastors/mentors from Center of Christian Education of Echmiatzin city.  


Beneficiaries Description: Direct beneficiaries are 1,700 - 14-17 years old students from 102 schools of Armenia

Beneficiaries Description: 1660 children, youth and young adults and 160 camp counselors

Beneficiaries Description: 850 children aged 8-15 from needy families and orphanages from different Marzes of Armenia. 

Beneficiaries Description: 85 children aged 8-16, from needy families and 10 pastors/mentors from Center of Christian Education of Echmiatzin city

Beneficiaries Description: Direct beneficiaries of the project are about 4,000 newborns, 200 disabled children (to be identified) and 9 trained doctors of the targeted regions. Indirect beneficiaries are the families of the newborns and disabled children.

Beneficiaries Description: Direct beneficiaries are around 1,950-2,600 school students from 130 schools

Beneficiaries Description: 1660 children, youth and young adults and 160 camp counselors
