
Beneficiaries Description: the residents of three marzes: Kotayk, Aragatsotn and Gegharkunik, that have found themselves in the position of the suspect or the accused and need to make use of the services of Public Defenders.

 Beneficiaries Description: Primary beneficiaries of the project  are about  320 youths – contained of  70  Youth Bank members and around 250 young people involved in implementing small community initiatives. Secondary  beneficiaries - affected  by all  50 projects implementation will be around 2500 people. Totally, the project implying to have  around 2820 beneficiaries

Beneficiaries Description: Approximately 1,500 disabled children and 24 regional doctors and nurses of Vayots Dzor, Syunik, Ararat, Aragatsotn and Kotayk marzez 

Beneficiaries Description: Direct beneficiaries are around 2,000 school students from 100 secondary schools. Indirect beneficiaries include secondary school students, teachers, and school administrations of 100 schools

Beneficiaries Description: 131 children from needy families from Yerevan and different Marzes of Armenia (Yerevan, Vanadzor, Armavir, Aragatsotn, Gegharkounik Marzes).

Beneficiaries Description: 500 children, youth and young adults from needy families from Shushi, NKR and different Marzes of Armenia

Beneficiaries Description: 174 children from needy families from Yerevan and Gegharkounik and Armavir Marzes

Beneficiaries Description: 3,729 children and youth from needy families and orphanages from different Marzes of Armenia.

Beneficiaries Description: 850 children from needy families and orphanages from different Marzes of Armenia.

Beneficiaries Description: 2,340 children, youth and young adults from needy families from different Marzes of Armenia.
