
Beneficiaries description: Armenians worldwide

Beneficiaries description: About 5,500 children, 15 calls per day, at risk and their families will receive telephone consultations throughout Armenia. Up to 1,000 children will be reached and supported by the CSC team.

Beneficiaries description: About 150 school age children from socially vulnerable families that are temporarily residing in the Children’s Care Centre.

Beneficiaries Description: 70 school age children from socially vulnerable families from Child Care and Protection Night Center N1 and about 80 school age children from Yerevan Special School of Children with Speech Deficiencies N 8

Beneficiaries Description: school age children from needy families

Beneficiaries Description: 120 institutionalized children from socially vulnerable families from Yerevan boarding school #10 and 180 institutionalized children from socially vulnerable families from Yerevan boarding school #3

Beneficiaries Description: direct beneficiaries are 48 rural doctors

Beneficiaries Description: 25 regional nurses from Vayots Dzor, Syunik, Tavush, Armavir, Gegharkunik, Aragatsotn, Ararat marzes

Beneficiaries Description: 30 regional doctors and population of beneficiary marzes in Armenia
