
Beneficiaries Description: Direct beneficiaries of the project are totally 40 ultrasound specialists, 30 from Yerevan and 10 from Aragatsotn, Kotayk, Gegharkunik, Armavir and Ararat marzes, and about 20,000-pregnant women to be screened.

Beneficiaries Description: Direct beneficiaries of the project are about 70 participants of Armenian Apostolic Church and health specialists of Armenia

Beneficiaries Description: Direct beneficiaries are 80 farmer cooperatives and its members from all around Armenia. Indirect beneficiaries are around 5 000 guests of festival

Beneficiaries Description: Direct beneficiaries are 1,700 - 14-17 years old students from 102 schools of Armenia

Beneficiaries Description: 6,200 children and teenagers

Beneficiaries Description:  Direct beneficiaries of the project are 4 students of Yerevan schools of YES project. Indirect beneficiaries are the debate clubs and the schools’ students, administration, parents.

Beneficiaries Description: Direct beneficiaries of the project are about 170 international health specialists and medical doctors

Beneficiaries Description: FRESCO is open to anyone in Yerevan and in RA marzes

Beneficiaries Description: Direct beneficiaries of the project are 48 ultrasound specialists from 37 towns of Armenia, and 15,000-20,000 pregnant women and newborns of these towns. 

Beneficiaries Description: Hamazgayin Theater audience
