
Beneficiaries description: 21 FAA member FOs with 975 member farmers from Yerevan and Armavir, Ararat, Vayots Dzor, Aragatsotn and Lori marzes.

Beneficiaries description: 36 pupil of special school #2 in Yerevan 

Beneficiaries description: 120 children and 20 mentors of YES project from 103 schools who will directly participate in the project /TV debates/. Indirect beneficiaries are schoolchildren, school administrations, and parents of the schoolchildren from all over the country.

Beneficiaries Description: About 160 school age children from socially vulnerable families that are temporarily residing in the Children’s Care Centre and Protection night school and visiting Child Social Care Centre in Yerevan

Beneficiaries Description: Direct beneficiaries are nearly 2,000 university students of 7 universities and 1,000 young adults of surrounding communities, keeping gender balance. Indirect beneficiaries are the seven university students, student councils’ members, administrations of the universities and in general the public of Armenia.

Beneficiaries description: Direct beneficiaries are fest participants and musicians. At least  19 000 people.

Beneficiaries description: Over  2000 admirers of dance annually and 50 persons of dance ensemble staff

 Beneficiaries Description: Primary beneficiaries of the project  are about  320 youths – contained of  70  Youth Bank members and around 250 young people involved in implementing small community initiatives. Secondary  beneficiaries - affected  by all  50 projects implementation will be around 2500 people. Totally, the project implying to have  around 2820 beneficiaries

Beneficiaries Description: Approximately 1,500 disabled children and 24 regional doctors and nurses of Vayots Dzor, Syunik, Ararat, Aragatsotn and Kotayk marzez 

Beneficiaries Description: Direct beneficiaries are around 2,000 school students from 100 secondary schools. Indirect beneficiaries include secondary school students, teachers, and school administrations of 100 schools
